Running for a Cause Beyond the Finish Line

The Werrington Joggers rallied to support aortic dissection research after a member's critical incident. Chair Rod highlighted the club's collective effort, stating their pride in supporting vital charities.


January 2024


Aortic dissection research

Raising awareness in


The Werrington Joggers, a diverse running club based in Peterborough, is known not just for embracing runners of all levels but also for its commitment to community and charitable causes. At their Annual Awards and Achievement Ceremony, the focus is not only on celebrating personal and collective athletic achievements but also on making a meaningful impact beyond the running tracks.

This year, the club’s philanthropic efforts were directed towards a cause that resonates deeply with its members due to a recent, life-changing event. During a routine group run, a member experienced a sudden cardiac event. Thanks to the prompt action of the club’s first aiders and the swift arrival of paramedics, a potential tragedy was averted. This incident brought to light the critical importance of awareness and preparedness for sudden medical emergencies, including aortic dissection.

Funds raised for aortic dissection in Peterborough

In response to this close call, the Werrington Joggers decided to support aortic dissection research. The aim is twofold: to contribute funds to ongoing research and to significantly raise awareness about this serious condition. The club’s donation to research funding awards is a step towards enhancing patient care and improving diagnosis of aortic dissection.

Moreover, the club’s initiative has attracted attention beyond its membership, reaching the wider community through coverage in the local press. This publicity serves not just to celebrate the club’s charitable gesture but more importantly, to educate the public about aortic dissection, its symptoms, risks, and the critical need for timely medical intervention.

The Werrington Joggers encourage everyone to join Team Aorta, an initiative focused on raising funds and awareness for aortic dissection research through various activities like running, walking, cycling, and swimming. 

The Annual Awards and Achievement Ceremony of the Werrington Joggers thus stands as a testament to the club’s ethos of using their platform and passion for running to effect positive change, not just within their ranks but across the broader community. It’s an invitation to understand more, care more, and join in the effort to combat Aortic Dissection, transforming every step and stride into a beacon of hope and progress.

Could it be aortic dissection video masterclass

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