Supporting you on your aortic dissection journey
A free online resource for people with, or at risk of aortic dissection and their families.
Made for you
These resources have been made specifically for patients and their families, with all medical jargon explained. Making this clear for those newly diagnosed as well as those looking for specific advice.
Learn about subjects relevant to your treatment, or dip in and out of topics that interest you.
Trusted information
These resources have been created by patients and their families, in partnership with trained medical professionals, often leaders in their field. These experts share their knowledge on everything you need to know – from symptoms and diagnosis, to treatments and the future.
Supporting you on your aortic dissection journey
A free online resource for people with, or at risk of aortic dissection and their families.
Made for you
These resources have been made specifically for patients and their families, with all medical jargon explained. Making this clear for those newly diagnosed as well as those looking for specific advice.
Learn about subjects relevant to your treatment, or dip in and out of topics that interest you.
Trusted information
These resources have been created by patients and their families, in partnership with trained medical professionals, often leaders in their field. These experts share their knowledge on everything you need to know – from symptoms and diagnosis, treatments and the future.
Hear from patients
Patients share their perspectives and experiences of life with AD, the treatments and procedures they’ve faced and ask the questions they have always wanted answering.
Thank you so much. I very much see this as part of the healing process!
Thank you. It’s good to know there’s people out there fighting for us!
Privacy Policy | Accessibility
The Aortic Dissection Charitable Trust
Registered charity in England & Wales No. 1191420
Registered charity in Scotland No. SC051517
PO Box 812, Hope Valley, Chesterfield S40 9QY
The information and materials on this site are for general information purposes only. This site is not designed to provide individual medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. If you have any concerns, please speak to your GP. If you believe you have a medical emergency, call 999 immediately.