Petition: The Urgent Need for Improved Diagnosis

Petition: The Urgent Need for Improved Diagnosis

In 2015, a personal tragedy catalysed our mission. Tim Fleming, experienced sudden and severe pain — classic symptoms of aortic dissection. Unfortunately, multiple visits to the emergency department did not detect it. This oversight cost Tim his life, underscoring a...
Harnessing AI for Aortic Disease Education

Harnessing AI for Aortic Disease Education

Understanding the intricacies of aortic disease can be an imposing task to new patients and their families, especially when dealing with acute aortic dissection or the threat of an aortic rupture. However, the digital age has ushered in innovative approaches to...
Westminster Debate

Westminster Debate

On December 13, 2022, the House of Commons held a debate on aortic dissection patient pathways and research funding. The debate was initiated by Pauline Latham MP, who highlighted the urgent need for more research funding and better patient pathways to improve...